Hello, there! How have you been? It's been a bit mad lately, hasn't it? I really don't know where August went. Apparently I blinked a couple of times and sort of missed it. I did manage to get my hair cut in between the 12-hour working days and I quite like it. Judging by other people's comments, it is a all-round success. Mr. S keeps playing with it. It is quite short now and so much easier to manage than the halfway-down-to-my-back mane I had before. I did let it grow a lot longer than I normally care to have it for the wedding because I wanted

Dropping half a stone in weight by having your hair cut is the only real step towards my Better Life I have taken. Having thought I'd be finishing work earlier in the day starting September, I had planned to do great things with my extra time off. Turns out I don't have as mu
ch time as I thought. So the gym has been put onto the back burner for a while to be replaced by walks on the beach.
Walking is all well and good
but the weather hasn't been my friend lately, either. I quite literally bounce outside whenever it looks like there mig
ht be a gap in the rain clouds long enough for me to sprint down the road.
I have become slightly obsessed by Mum
ford & Sons and Laura Marling lately. It's the season that's in it and I know it. I tend to go towards folksy, acoustic mellow tunes in the
autumn/winter a
nd poppy, upbeat dance-y ones in the summertime.

Besides, Mumford & Sons feed into my secret love of banjos and bluegrass without me having to pay a visit to the Mississippi region any time soon. Something I'd love to do, FYI. New Orleans being the first port of call. Preferably during Mardi Gras. My expectations of The Big Easy are mainly based on romanticised images and moods created by popular culture but I'm intrigued nonetheless. Jazz, blues and voodoo, yes please! If you have read Pat Conroy's Beach music you'd probably be tempted to visit the deep south, too.