Traveling is always taxing, not to mention traveling to a funeral. It was exhausting and very very sad. We had a few laughs, too, it wasn't all misery and I'd like to think granddad would've liked it. He was never one for too much gloom, and he certainly liked his drink, which is why we all raised our glasses of brandy in his honor afterwards.
Anyway, onto something a little less depressing. Or not, depending on how you look at it. It's getting really dark. I mean really, really proper dark in the evenings. I was leaving work just after six in the evening last Sunday and opened the back door to complete darkness. I wasn't amused. Soon I'll be like an owl, heading into work when it's still dark out, and coming home in the cover of darkness, too. And I know in Finland there's far less daylight during the winter months, but there's also SNOW which makes everything seem brighter. And that's what makes all the difference.

The thing is, I can't quite figure out whether or not I hate this darkness. I love nothing more than getting all cosy on the couch with a book and a glass of wine, lighting candles and watching scary movies. I believe the problem for me is having to leave the house. So back to the tortoise mind here. I'd love to crawl into a cosy little world of my own with a winter's supply of DVDs, books, coffee and red wine and only emerge when the migrating birds start to return, trees start looking a bit greener and the world, in general looks a bit brighter. Is that really too much to ask? According to my employer, yes.
Corporate bastards.
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